1. The simple present is used to describe a present situation.
Simple Present, içinde bulunulan anı ifade etmek için kullanılabilir.
- I work in Istanbul. (I work now and will work for the future).
He is a hardworking student.

2. The simple present is used to indicate habitual actions or events that regularly happens.
Simple present ile alışkanlıklar ve her gün yapılan işler ifade edilebilir. Bu tür cümlelerde genellikle sıklık zarfları (always, usually, generally etc) kullanılır.
She often goes to work late.
The child usually drink milk before going to bed.
3. The simple present is used to express general truths such as scientific fact.
Bilimsel gerçekleri ve doğruluğu kanıtlanmış genellemeleri bu tense ile ifade ederiz.
- Water freezes at 0 C. (A scientific fact)
Water boils at 100 C.
4. The simple present is also used in expressions like "I think, I know, I see, etc."
Ayrıca, "I think, I believe" (sanırım, inanıyorum ki) gibi ifadeler geniş zamanda kullanılabilir.
- I think you are a hardworking student. I know you're right.
5. The simple present can also be used to talk about the future..
Gelecekle ilgili veya gelecekte yapılması planlanmış durumlarda kullanılabilir veya gelecekle bağlantılı cümlelerde geniş zaman kullanabiliriz.
- You'll succeed if you study harder.
- I'll visit Topkapi Palace if I go to Istanbul.
- The bus leaves at seven o'clock.
I have an important examination tomorrow.
- 6. The simple present tense is also used with certain verbs (like, taste, believe, sound, feel, hear, remember, weigh, smell, etc)
Şimdiki zamanda kullanılmayan "Non-Progressive Verbs" dediğimiz fiiller vardır. Bu fiiller, geniş zaman ile kullanılabilir. "Like, taste, believe, sound, feel, hear, remember, weigh, smell, love, look, seem, appear, mind, expect, suppose, realize, forget, want, dislike, prefer" gibi fiiller şimdiki zamanda kullanılmayan ancak geniş zamanda kullanılabilen Non-Progressive Fiillerdir.
- I don't believe you.
She doesn't love me.
Positive Structure:
I |
work |
in a great factory |
You |
work |
He |
works |
She |
works |
It |
works |
We |
work |
They |
work |
Negative Structure:
I |
don't |
in a great factory. |
You |
don't |
He |
doesn't |
She |
doesn't |
work |
It |
doesn't |
We |
don't |
They |
don't |
Question structure:
Do |
I |
in a great factory? |
Do |
You |
Does |
He |
Does |
She |
work |
Does |
It |
Do |
We |
Do |
They |
I |
am |
a teacher |
You |
are |
a student |
He |
is |
a boy |
She |
is |
a girl |
It |
is |
a dog |
We |
are |
students |
They |
are |
Etiketler :